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Edenvane cattery
Our vision of breeding
If you are passionate about intelligent cats, cuddles and glue, we can probably offer you the kitten of your dreams.
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But for the well-being of our babies and the satisfaction of families: we only entrust a loulou if we think that his new home will really suit him and that the chosen trickster will also meet the expectations of his adopters.
After discussion and presentations, we will be able to find out together what would be the ideal placement for everyone.
Because as a feline behaviorist (human / cat relationship professional), everyone's well-being is a priority.

Edenvane, what is it?
Edenvane is a professional cat ... but also a family and a whole state of mind!
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The name Edenvane was born from EDEN (my eldest son) and VANE (Vanessa, me).
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Our affix name (full name of cats born with us) is "de l'Esprit d'Edenvane". This is our breeding name because it is a bit the philosophy of the house: to do things according to our spirit, the spirit of Edenvane.
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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
And who is Vanessa?
Vanessa is a lively, talkative enthusiast, whole and frank, who likes to moan but who is also generally positive, a little bit utopian and sometimes extremist.
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At school, they made fun of me (but from afar) because I got angry with punches at those who hurt the tadpoles I raised in class, the snails I had taken from the road or animals that my classmates found near the school.
In 2001, I had started by training to become a riding instructor then during a slack period, I was hired as a horse security guard and I continued my course in private guarding for 14 years. .
At the same time, I quickly became a driver in RCI (canine discipline) for the pleasure of sharing special moments with my dogs and passionate people (Thank you Alain!).
Then I discovered cat breeding in 2003 thanks to a wonderful cat (my Juno) whose daughter I absolutely wanted to keep.
The daily happiness reported by the adopters of the other kittens in the litter made me want to introduce the extraordinary character of the Siamese, then of the Tonkinese, to as many people as possible. The adventure was launched ...
The name "Edenvane" appeared in 2007 , following the birth of my first son .
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I then started to create accessories in 2012 , also under the name Edenvane, to improve the well-being of everyone (ourselves, other breeders and owners of cats) and to solve small life problems with our animals. companionship: the satisfaction of providing solutions to helpless people and improving the daily life of certain companions was a real revelation.
Professionally training myself for the profession of feline behaviorist had thus become obvious , a personal necessity, which I was able to satisfy in 2015 thanks to my incredible husband who made many sacrifices for more than 6 months to allow me to devote myself properly to this very rewarding professional reconversion, but also thanks to Gwendoline, our extraordinary trainer.
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Over the years that followed, it occurred to me that some feline problems could not be resolved properly without a change in diet, so I worked hard to train myself properly on the subject in order to be able to provide full help to families who were having difficulties. with their cat.
Since 2019 I have specialized in the field of feline nutrition by becoming a consultant / trainer, for my clients and for the Animautopia training center (led by my former behavioral mentor, Gwendoline).
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And I think it is very important to always improve, so I continue to develop my knowledge daily through reading specialized books, veterinary theses, dedicated articles and exchanges with other cat owners, associations , behaviorists and feline breeders:
Creator and administrator of the Perfect Tonkinois group on Facebook (almost 500 passionate Tonk owners)
Active member of Facebook groups for behaviorists or dedicated to nutrition / cat food
Moderator of the group I start breeding purebred cats on Facebook (more than 1900 breeders)
Volunteer advisor to the SPA de Sarrebourg and SPA de Saverne (and many others)
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Our family
My children, my husband, our animals and I live together. It is therefore necessary that each make an effort to accept the other as he is and to respect the rules of community life. Understanding, sharing, respect, communication, education and love are the watchwords of the house. Understanding and harmony are essential for the development of the family and of each individual. Time always passes too quickly here ...
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Our animals are already presented on the site, all that remains is to show you the rest of the Edenvane family:
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Pierre and Vanessa . Already 40 years passed! First love rediscovered, we got married on 12.12.12: “Always and forever”, my extraordinary husband loving me. Thank you for everything ... He has his faults like everyone else, but also the quality of supporting me ... and that's not nothing!
Eden was born in February 2007. He is an independent, intelligent and very open young man. He is curious about everything but calm, very caring and deeply kind: I am extremely proud of him. Even though he now has a big voice, hair on his legs and groans like any teenager, he is my little one forever. Eden is our paradise.
Eliot joined the family in April 2016. He's an adorable concentrate of energy and trickery, as maddening and irritating as he is cute, cute and cuddly. He has a strong temperament but he is a big baby who needs attention and knows how to charm very well: an "attaching" as my friend Pauline would say. Eliot is our little dragon.
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These are all the members of our wonderful Edenvane family. Everyone has their own personality and habits, moods and preferences: we love it and never get bored at home!
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Plus de 20 ans d'expérience professionnelle féline
2003 à 2020 : Elevage de Siamois et Tonkinois
2008 : Obtention du CETAC chat puis du Certificat de capacité chat n°57-235
Depuis 2012 : Création d'accessoires pour chats sous le nom d'entreprise "EDENVANE - Vanessa Gasser"
2015 : Formation au métier de comportementaliste félin (formée en présentiel par Gwendoline Le Peutrec-Redon)
2017 - 2018 : Initiation personnelle à la nutrition féline (lecture et analyse des publications de Wolter, Lefebvre, Blanchard, Grandjean, Devaux, Gnaedinger, Ecrepont, ...)
2017 - 2018 : Ouverture d'un magasin dédié au Chat rue de la Gare à Sarrebourg.
2018 : Cours particuliers auprès de Aude Carrez (ingénieure agronome et titulaire du CES de diététique canine et féline) pour révision, perfectionnement et approfondissement des connaissances en nutrition féline.
Depuis 2019 : Auteure et formatrice du module "Nutrition et Alimentation Féline" pour Animautopia Formations et pour Edenvane.
Depuis 2021 : Auteure et formatrice du module "Faire maigrir sans frustration" pour Edenvane, renommé "Gestion du surpoids et de la satiété" pour Animautopia Formations.
2023 : Suivi de la formation NutriConseil d'Arginine Formations (nutrition canine et féline, par le Dr Charlotte Devaux).
Depuis 2024 : Ouverture d'un magasin spécialisé chat Grand'Rue à Lixheim.
Depuis 2024 : Auteure et formatrice du module "Alimentation du chat à comportement compulsif" pour Animautopia Formations et pour Edenvane.
Mais Edenvane c'est aussi :
Créatrice et administratrice du groupe Perfect Tonkinois sur Facebook (plus de 600 propriétaires passionnés de chats Tonks)
Membre actif de groupes Facebook (sérieux !) pour comportementalistes ou dédiés à la nutrition/l'alimentation du chat
Administratrice du groupe Je débute l’élevage de chats de race sur Facebook (+ de 2300 éleveurs membres)
Conseillère bénévole pour diverses associations, ...